Tuesday, September 19, 2006
While We're on the Subject...

Anyone who has heard DMB live-- via albums, bootlegs, or live concerts-- knows that Dave has a tendency to spurt out seemingly random (and often accented) anecdotes, confessions, and the like. I just happened to run across this timely one, and thought it was an apt eulogy for the much-loved "Crocodile Man," Steve Irwin.
Monday, September 18, 2006
It's Always Something
I was a nice surprise to have Dave came out and share the mike with the opening band. It wasn't until I got home that I realized my camera does NOT record sound. D'OH! But he still looks dang good doing it. (To my regular readership, Dave Chappelle's the one rockin' out on the bass in the black baseball hat.)
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To kick off the encore, Dave came out solo and sang "Sister," one of several new tunes fans are hearing on this summer's tour. My commentary wouldn't do it justice, so listen for yourself.
(Thanks again to the VIPs for this awesome stage shot!)
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To kick off the encore, Dave came out solo and sang "Sister," one of several new tunes fans are hearing on this summer's tour. My commentary wouldn't do it justice, so listen for yourself.
(Thanks again to the VIPs for this awesome stage shot!)
Streams of Consciousness

Setting: Shoreline Amphitheater, Mountain View, CA, 9/9/06, about 8:00 PM
omg/ look/ there he is/ standing in the wing/ halfway hidden behind that big black curtain/ i can’t believe i am so close to THE dave matthews/ after all these years/ omg/ i swear he’s looking at me/ wave /wave so he can see you /oh no/ he’s looking/ now what/ geez i’m about to screw up the only chance i’ll ever have at conversation with him/ ummm ok/ blow him a kiss/ is he still looking/ wait/ why is he putting his hand up to his head like a gun/ i think he just killed himself/ let’s hope he was looking at someone else/ but just to be sure/ try to blow one more kiss/ wow/ it’s like he’s staring right at me/ hold on/ the gun to the head again/ this can’t be good/ he must hate me/ no no no/ don’t walk away/ well/ i guess i would get tired of perfect strangers always telling me they loved me when they don’t know the first thing about the real me/ but i do know you/ i do /wow/ i feel like such a/ wait/ what’s this/ he’s back/ he just has to be looking at me this time/ there’s no one else he could be looking at/ what’s he doing/ OMG/ OMG dave matthews just blew me a kiss/ dave matthews just blew me a kiss/ did anyone else just see that/ he loves me/ he really does love me/ i knew it all along

Monday, September 04, 2006
Mystery Solved
So next Saturday I’m heading north to catch my annual Dave Matthews Band concert, a rite I’ve maintained since 1998. If I can snap some pictures from my SEVENTH ROW SEAT, I’ll definitely post some here for your viewing pleasure. I checked out the opening band online, and not only did I get a sampling of their music, I also discovered just where Dave Chappell has been hiding out all this time. See for yourself at Robert Randolph and the Family Band. Now, if I only had enough spending cash to buy a Beerbelly before Saturday…
Back on the Wagon
Knowing full well that I probably lost 40% of my readership in my extended absence, I decided to make a come-back, because I figured that 40% of my original readership is only 2 people (you do the math). Now that things have settled down a bit, I hope to post regularly once more. If you’re wondering, my blog fell by the wayside in the chaos that was the end of one school year and the beginning of another without so much as a summer vacation. I was able to make it to Iowa to visit my grandparents, but they’ve accepted the fact that technology has passed them by and thus, no Internet. Then, of course, I got the ritual cold that comes with a new batch of germy kids, which has morphed into a sinus infection and nasty cough. But I digress.
All the things that I planned to blog about are today old news: the German Chancellor’s unwanted backrub, the much-anticipated release of Snakes on a Plane, Kyra's dub of bathroom conversation over President Bush’s speech (and subsequent Top Ten list), John Mark Karr’s general creepiness… But a few of the links I saved haven’t gone out of style, namely because they deal with dumb people in front of the cameras.
First, we have a traffic reporter, whose Gwyneth Paltrow looks can’t save her from on-air humiliation. K-Fed, you’re off the hook—for now.
Then, we have a slow-on-the-uptake home shopping host, who possibly skipped a crucial biology class, or a trip to the zoo…
Ahh, yes. I could watch those two snippets over and over again. Don’t get me wrong—I’m not judging, because I embarrass myself on a daily basis. I just try not to do it on national television.
All the things that I planned to blog about are today old news: the German Chancellor’s unwanted backrub, the much-anticipated release of Snakes on a Plane, Kyra's dub of bathroom conversation over President Bush’s speech (and subsequent Top Ten list), John Mark Karr’s general creepiness… But a few of the links I saved haven’t gone out of style, namely because they deal with dumb people in front of the cameras.
First, we have a traffic reporter, whose Gwyneth Paltrow looks can’t save her from on-air humiliation. K-Fed, you’re off the hook—for now.
Then, we have a slow-on-the-uptake home shopping host, who possibly skipped a crucial biology class, or a trip to the zoo…
Ahh, yes. I could watch those two snippets over and over again. Don’t get me wrong—I’m not judging, because I embarrass myself on a daily basis. I just try not to do it on national television.