Monday, July 31, 2006


I'm Gonna Live Forever

The most recent issue of California Educator, published by the California Teachers Association, debates the idea of social promotion (passing students to the next grade, regardless of academic performance). The articles, though biased, give some good background to the issue at hand if you’re interested in reading further. In any case, some of Fresno Unified’s intervention programs were highlighted in the magazine, and it just so happens I was working for a literacy clinic teacher the day they dropped by to snap some photos at my school site. Fame—just one more perk of the glamorous lives of teachers.


Movin' On Up

This guy is either a genius or a loser with way too much time on his hands. I’m leaning toward genius. Some of you may have already heard about Kyle MacDonald, seeing as he made his final trade on July 5 of this year. To make a long story short, MacDonald traded a red paperclip for a fish pen about a year ago via the bartering section of Craigslist. He continued to “trade up” until he acquired a house, the desired end to all these means. He’s now living comfortably up in Saskatchewan, Canada, in the beginning stages of—what else?—writing a book about his experiences.

Haven’t had a chance to read much of his blog, but it looks like fun. Other links abound, including several to his MySpace page. Maybe I’ll see what crap I can dig up around here starting Thursday, my first (and 12th to last) day of summer vacation…

Friday, July 07, 2006


Umm, Ouch

I don't know which is weirder: the fact that this man is holding a huge piece of his own skull and living to tell about it, or the fact that the said piece looks a lot like the continent of Africa.

The miracle man told a reporter, "Doctors say a new skull covering has replaced the old one, but I am not letting go of this one." Hey, you never know when something like that could come in handy again.

Sunday, July 02, 2006


When Keeping Up with Celebrities' Lives Would Have Been a Good Thing

Once upon a time, a man in Jordan forged an I.D. card in order to claim tens of thousands of dollars belonging to someone else. He was quickly found out, arrested, and is now on trial in U.A.E. for forgery and embezzlement. The name checked out, so what gave it away? The picture he downloaded from the Internet to use on the fake was one of Brad Pitt. Honestly, of ALL the pictures out there...

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