Monday, September 18, 2006
Streams of Consciousness

Setting: Shoreline Amphitheater, Mountain View, CA, 9/9/06, about 8:00 PM
omg/ look/ there he is/ standing in the wing/ halfway hidden behind that big black curtain/ i can’t believe i am so close to THE dave matthews/ after all these years/ omg/ i swear he’s looking at me/ wave /wave so he can see you /oh no/ he’s looking/ now what/ geez i’m about to screw up the only chance i’ll ever have at conversation with him/ ummm ok/ blow him a kiss/ is he still looking/ wait/ why is he putting his hand up to his head like a gun/ i think he just killed himself/ let’s hope he was looking at someone else/ but just to be sure/ try to blow one more kiss/ wow/ it’s like he’s staring right at me/ hold on/ the gun to the head again/ this can’t be good/ he must hate me/ no no no/ don’t walk away/ well/ i guess i would get tired of perfect strangers always telling me they loved me when they don’t know the first thing about the real me/ but i do know you/ i do /wow/ i feel like such a/ wait/ what’s this/ he’s back/ he just has to be looking at me this time/ there’s no one else he could be looking at/ what’s he doing/ OMG/ OMG dave matthews just blew me a kiss/ dave matthews just blew me a kiss/ did anyone else just see that/ he loves me/ he really does love me/ i knew it all along