Monday, July 31, 2006
I'm Gonna Live Forever

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Yeah, you'd think that of all the pictures they took that morning, they could choose any of the ones where I'm NOT adjusting my top, or where I'm actually with students or something. And if all the others were worse, well, then that's just sad for me.
Why do you have to adjust your top so frequently? I hesitate to hazard a guess with your mother watching my every footstep.
Great blog page!!!! I enjoy reading your material. All of it. And to all teachers out there... Thank you for a job well done. Your up there with Veterans in my eyes.
You need to write more articles. I enjoy reading about whats on your mind. Also don't forget more pictures... Makes it easy for us un-educated folks to read.
Hope all is well... take care
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Hope all is well... take care
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