Monday, June 05, 2006


The Road to Hell Is Paved with Birthday Cake

Wow, has it really been that long? I’m embarrassed to have been away for so long, reading other people’s blogs but not updating my own. For one, school has been extremely hectic this time of year, and a little chaotic now that we’re moving from a year-round calendar to a traditional one (i.e. what we all grew up with). Stress definitely stifles creativity. In any case, there hasn’t been that much out there for me to work with and deem blog-worthy.

But you know the saying: “When it rains, it pours.” There’s so much I want to report I can’t even do it in one sitting. But I’ll start with the item that is nearest to my heart, namely, my birthday.

If you read the comment on this post, you already know that my birthday is coming up on Tuesday. Yes, that Tuesday, the one being criticized for its underworld-ly 06-06-06 moniker. Now, I’ve always allowed a little bit of the world’s sadness in on my special day—it is the anniversary of D-Day, after all—but this is taking things a little too far. I’ve read of more than one mother-to-be who is asking her doctor to induce labor so that her child won’t be forever marked by the Number. Hell, Michigan with be throwing a much-anticipated city-wide party to commemorate the once-in-a-lifetime event. Yes, a remake of the horror movie "Omen" is being released that day, and yes, it is the day of political decision in California (Darry Sragow says, “This settles it. I’m voting by mail.”), but none of the above should be used as evidence against my special day.

The idea of an apocalyptic date has spawned such speculation, mainly online, that I know the references will be impossible to escape come Tuesday. I, however, plan to celebrate as usual, without any fear of retribution or sense of impending doom, especially now that there’s no chance of sharing a birthday with Suri Holmes-Cruise.

...or Shiloh Jolie-Pitt! Bring on the strawberry cake with rainbow chip frosting and lick your fingers! Happy Birthday with JOY!
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