Monday, June 05, 2006


The Real Deal

For reals, yo. What would you do if you found a snake on your plane? If you were Monty Coles, you would grab the snake with one hand, fly the plane with the other, and radio the nearest tower for clearance to land.

"They came back and asked what my problem was," he said. "I told them I had one hand full of snake and the other hand full of plane. They cleared me in."

Coles kept his cool and even remembered to pose for a picture before letting it get away.

This is OBVIOUSLY a promotional stunt for the movie coming out in August. Nice try, Samuel L. Jackson, dressing up like a snake and getting into the plane cabin, just to create a little buzz for your movie. Despicable.

I, for one, will only be seeing Snakes on a Plane 5 times now instead of the planned upon 10.
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