Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Good thing we saved those seeds...

I had to double-check that I was reading a newspaper and not a sci-fi paperback when I learned of the worldwide efforts already in place to build the most secure vault on the planet on a remote island in the Arctic Circle. Besides being carved into the side of a mountain, other protective measures will include fences, motion detectors, steel airlock doors, and polar bears. Its purpose? To store millions of seeds from every kind of plant known to man as “an insurance policy for human civilization”—you know, should some global catastrophe decimate all food sources available to mankind. Dubbed the “doomsday vault,” the Svalbard International Seed Vault will begin accepting seed deposits as early as next fall.

They better hope Superman doesn't object to neighbors. I bet he does, though. He didn't name it the "Fortress of Solitude" for nothing.
Reasonably, any event that took out even a majority of plant life on earth would also have fairly dire consequences for all living beings. Is there a paralell plan for preserving animals and humans? This has just gotta be a United Nations project with the US footing the bill.
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