Thursday, April 13, 2006
Check Your Figures, Part II
Grab your Kylie Minogue CDs and get dancin'. According to the new mathematical formula for the perfect rear end-- (S+C) x (B+F)/T = V-- the sphericality and symmetry of Kylie's hiney would likely earn a perfect score of 80 points.
Decoded, the formula assesses
S, the overall shape or droopiness of the bottom
C, how spherical the buttocks are
B, its muscular wobble or bounce
F, firmness
V, hip to waist ratio/symmetry of the bottom
T, skin texture and presence of cellulite.
The psychology lecturer who created the formula did admit that, "While no one, of course, can be sure of the firmness and texture of Kylie's bottom, from the exposure it has been given in the newspapers it is obviously muscular and is
likely to score highly in these categories also."