Thursday, April 13, 2006
Check Your Figures, Part I
So I read recently that a man in Malaysia received a $218 trillion phone bill, along with court orders to settle the matter within 10 days or face prosecution. It wasn't even his phone; the man had turned off his father's service after his death last January and settled accounts by paying the remaining balance of $23. The man, actually, says he "can't wait" to face the court. (How much would I like to be a fly on the wall at that trial? It's like the Seinfeld that never was.) But the best line, at the end of the article, read, "It wasn't clear whether the bill was a mistake." Well, I'm pretty sure that if you called China when you were born, put the phone down, and didn't go back to hang it up until your last day on earth-- heck, leave it there and let your grandkids hang it up-- you still wouldn't accumulate that much debt in phone charges. Unless, of course, your phone service was provided by the same company that owns this Burger King franchise.
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If your sister racked up phone minutes at the rate she puts miles on her car, she could have a phone bill like this :)
If your mom racked up phone minutes at the rate she and her husband tear tiny squares of paper to feed the dog, she could have a phone bill like this :o)
And the husband who tears most of the paper up says: It seems to digest well, and has to be nutritional if you could see the eater! And, this use of junk mail would be a cinch for at least a 'Top 10' spot in any Creative Paper Recycling Contest you can find!! Ah yes, quite the family!!
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