Wednesday, March 29, 2006



If you read my very first post (scroll to the bottom of page if you haven't yet), you are aware that, under certain circumstances, people are capable of acting strangely and/or dangerously while sleeping, unaware of the reality surrounding them. However, this is the first time I've heard of someone who unknowingly divorced his wife while asleep.

According to Reuters, a Muslim woman in, you guessed it—India (see yesterday’s post), heard her husband talking in his sleep, during which he used their word for divorce (talaq) three times. Somehow after talking with her friends, Islamic leaders got word of the incident and ruled that the couple was required to divorce under the laws of “triple talaq.”

“The religious leaders ruled that if the couple wanted to remarry they would have to wait at least 100 days. [Wife] Sohela would also have to spend a night with another man and be divorced by him in turn.”
Another strike against the makers of Ambien?

This could cause the divorce rate to skyrocket...I feel another class action lawsuit coming on!
Let's not get too hasty here. Suppose the wife was on Ambien too and having her own halucinatory spell? So she dreamed she heard him say it, but he didn't. So now he's on Prozac too for his depression and she probably got their goat in the property settlement. And the government wants to allow drugs produced in 3rd world countries drugs in the US? ---Sheesh!!
so, wait...if I move to india and become Muslim...and I say "7 layer burrito" in my sleep 3 times, does that mean they'll fly one in for me?

does this work in Japan (where we have taco bell on the military bases, but not for civilians...) ?
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