Saturday, March 11, 2006


Humans for Sale

My blog might not be worth a dime, but apparently my person is worth $1,490,640. Why this would ever be helpful, I don't know, but let me know how you compare...

Dude, I would make the top 20 most valuable males. I rock even harder than once thought.
yo! I made a link from my page to yours.

so write something already!

that dew. that do. that doh!
I linked to you on my blog, but you haven't posted in 3 days. You need to build up some goodwill in the blogger community before you take a much-needed hiatus, KK.
I am worth 2.625 million, I would so sale myself into slavery for that kind of money, and then escape and be rich.
I am worth $2,225,530....whatever that means.
$1,515,122... so basically I'm worth more than you, and that's all that matters, right? LOVE YOU!
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